Egyptian Grave Goods

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New Kingdom….period in Ancient Egyptian history between the 16th  century BCE and the 11th century BCE covering the Eighteenth (1550-1295), Nineteenth (1295-1186) and Twentieth Dynasties (1186-1069).


Grave Assemblages…..items deposited in the grave/tomb with the deceased eg. Furniture, pottery, tools, weapons, personal toiletry items, amulets, jewellery, food.


Elite……………the privileged section of society exercising the major share of authority and influence, and/or with the greatest education and wealth compared to the rest of the population ie royalty, government officials, members of the priesthood, high ranking members of the army, scribes and skilled artisans.


Non-elite……….the greater section of the population who are uneducated, have little or no authority or influence, are manual labourers or common soldiers (and their families), and have little/no material wealth.


Wealth…….there was no money in Ancient Egypt; the wealth of individuals was judged on possessions and the ‘currency’ of goods owned such as grain. They were used to barter/buy other items which were needed or wanted.